• The DairyFeed J 1100 delivers custom nutrition in precise feed rations for each of your calves so you can optimise your rearing operation. Profitable dairy farming operations are founded on structured calf rearing and the DairyFeed J 1100 professional, automatic feeding solution adds perfect structure to your process.

    Introducing concentrated feed in the early development of your calves speeds up animal growth while also removing the cost of expensive milk feeding sooner.

    Targeted, made-to-measure feed is served from a concentrated feed vessel (110 litre capacity) via a precise volume dispenser. Light sensor technology ensures the exact amount of feed and automatic refilling of the stainless steel bowl only takes place when it is fully emptied.

    Easy cattle rearing:
    The precision feeding process is automated, meaning thriving cattle are easier to rear in a faster timeframe, while you have more time to focus on other important tasks.

    Illness risk reduced: No overfeeding or under feeding thanks to light sensor technology for exact rationing means you calves are at reduced risk of illness and are generally healthier overall.

    Individual feeding: Each calf receives the ideal ration of feed for its growth, as the concentrated feed box is connected to the calf feeders and feeding is regulated for your animals individually.

    Identify issues quickly: Spot feeding irregularities early on to maximise protection from future illness in your calves and reduce potential for spreading illness in you herd.

    Smart management: Easily connect to GEA’s DairyManagementSystem 21 for all-encompassing, ultra-efficient dairy management.

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  • The DairyFeed J C400+, V600+ and V640+ calf feeders deliver controlled growth results for thriving calves and are suitable for herds of all sizes.

    The DairyFeed J C400+, V600+ and V640+ computerised and automated calf feeders feature one to four drinking boxes with teats designed for calves and have individual drinking curves that allow your calves to easily access the nutrition they need. An auto-calibration feature regulates portion weight.

    Thriving calves:
    Targeted nutritional support that is perfectly measured, results in healthier, thriving stock with fast gains early on in life.

    Any herd size:
    Up to four drinking boxes to suit small or large herds.

    Varied portions:
    Vary portion sizes, using either powder or all-milk blends

    Simple management:
    Your GEA calf feeder can be easily integrated with GEA’s DairyPlan 21 software for simple management.

    Tailored nutrition:
    Ensure each calf receives the perfect balance of nutrition by pre-programming portions via the simple to use manual terminal. An auto-calibration feature regulates portion weights.

    Save time:
    Your calf feeding process is fully automated. Your calves are reliably recognised by the feeder and custom portions prepared with precision and delivered hygienically.

    User-friendly interface:
    Easy to read display with adjustable contrast and brightness and quick selection buttons.

    These feeders can be fitted with automatic calibration scales or automatic heat exchangers cleaning systems with rinsing agent dispenser.

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