Customised cooling: Available in 24 variants to ensure you get the best solution for your operation.
Quality control: Ensure consistently high standards of quality control thanks to top performing insulation and long lasting evaporators.
No thermal bridges: The TCool milk tank works to prevent thermal bridges forming and limits temperature increases to 0.5°C in any 12 hour period.
Energy saving: The TCool is a very economical cooling tank solution. The ICool control system automatically monitors energy consumption, providing alerts should there be any errors in the cold chain.
Assured temperature control: The ICool achieves temperature accuracy levels of +/- 0.2 % at 4 °C.
Precision cleaning: A vertical high-performance pump achieves complete drainage following cleaning to prevent milk from losing quality due to freezing.
Safer cleaning: The regulated dosage volume of general cleaning agent is delivered via the pump for safer cleaning, preventing your direct contact with cleaning agents.
Cleaning variations: Various cleaning agents are required to avoid the various contamination risks when storing milk. Changes in cleaning agents are controlled by the ICool control system, saving you time and ensuring safety by preventing hazardous contact with more powerful cleaning agents. Choose between alkaline and acidic cleaners.
Pump protection: An intake filter protects the pump and prevents the spray head from clogging.
Access your milk data: The ICool Analyzer provides real-time data and status information for up to four cooling units and the agitation process. The software also allows you to record milk volume and temperature information, access the previous 100 wash cycles, and archive up to 10 years’ of data on a USB stick. Data may also be exported as a CSV file for further analysis in a spreadsheet.