Side-by-Side Parlour Magnum 90i Vertical Lift

Side-by-Side Parlour Magnum 90i Vertical Lift

The Magnum 90i Vertical Lift Side-by-Side milking parlour is the ultimate solution for larger dairy herds and 24 hour milk production.

Designed with animal comfort and operator convenience at the centre of the process, this parlour milks large herds both gently and quickly for maximum throughput and milk production output.

Side-by-Side Parlour Magnum 90i Vertical Lift

Side-by-Side Parlour Magnum 90i Vertical Lift

The Magnum 90i Vertical Lift Side-by-Side milking parlour is the ultimate solution for larger dairy herds and 24 hour milk production.

Designed with animal comfort and operator convenience at the centre of the process, this parlour milks large herds both gently and quickly for maximum throughput and milk production output.

The Magnum 90i VL parallel milking parlour’s key feature is its innovative front exit with Vertical-Lift, which directly results in significantly increased throughput.

Fast exit:
Cows leave their stalls quickly thanks to an innovative and powerful pneumatic system which lifts the entire front of the milking parlour in just a few seconds after milking.

High throughput:
The fast front exit with vertical lift has been shown to dramatically increase throughput of milking cows. Wide gangways allow fast access to stalls, which are uniquely designed to perfectly position cows quickly for milking.

Minimises cow stress:
Wide entrances and gangways for freedom of movement, clear frontal views, and quick front vertical lift, all serve to minimise cow stress, increasing milk output.

Large herd milking:
The Magnum 90i VL is available with up to 2×60 milking stalls.

All cow sizes:
Spacious gangways and stalls suitable for all breeds and sizes of cow. Even larger breeds have plenty of room, as there are no traditional front arms.

Convenience optimised:
Great ergonomic design for convenient and comfortable milking, with easy udder access and full sight of every cow so any problems with animals can be quickly addressed. The flexible front arm adjusts to the movements of the cow and applies gently pressure to direct the animal into the perfect position for fast, stress free milking.

Cow comfort maximised:
The system is designed to promote happy and comfortable animals – making them easier to milk. From the rounded poles to the freedom of movement, the comfortably open design decreases animal stress levels for improved results.