• Feed each cow with precision for maximum return with the GEA DairyFeed C 8000 Automated Feed System.

    Automated feeding with exact timing and accurate rations in accordance with each animal’s yield and condition will lead to really boost performance in your herd we well as saving you time and combating unnecessary feed wastage.

    This intelligent automated feeder features an animal identification function to ensure each cow is fed according to yield and physical condition. Feeding box sensors recognize each individual cow for accurate feeding. A volume dispenser allows you pre-set exact ration quantities both automatically and manually. Summary lists can be created for individual rations and consumption figures.

    Cow comfort:
    This boosts cow comfort by avoiding underfeeding or overfeeding, reducing the risk of metabolic issues in your animals.

    Variety of feeds:
    Automated feeding distribution of up to four different types of feed.

    Precision feeding:
    The system measures out feed exactly in sophisticated volume dispensers, regardless of the feed type, consistency and size of portions.

    Reduce workload:
    Save time and reduce workload by automated feeding, thanks to the two main components for this function: DairyPlan C21, which intelligently calculates individual feed allocation, and the DairyFeed C 8000 automatic feed concentrate dispenser which receives and acts on the information.

    Optimised nutrition:
    Automatic feeding is based on best practice in cow nutrition and employs a dynamic interval system.

    Milk yield optimised:
    Automated feeding is based on milk yield in order to improve and maximise future milk yield from each animal.

    Irregular feeding times:
    Configuration option for circumstances where irregularly-timed feeding is required

    Minimise feed disputes:
    Designed with long (single, double or wall) feeding boxes which are sealed to ensure feed disputes among your animals. This minimises disruption to the controlled feeding process or the risk of accidents as a result of unruliness by boss cows or in-heat animals.

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  • The DairyFeed J 1100 delivers custom nutrition in precise feed rations for each of your calves so you can optimise your rearing operation. Profitable dairy farming operations are founded on structured calf rearing and the DairyFeed J 1100 professional, automatic feeding solution adds perfect structure to your process.

    Introducing concentrated feed in the early development of your calves speeds up animal growth while also removing the cost of expensive milk feeding sooner.

    Targeted, made-to-measure feed is served from a concentrated feed vessel (110 litre capacity) via a precise volume dispenser. Light sensor technology ensures the exact amount of feed and automatic refilling of the stainless steel bowl only takes place when it is fully emptied.

    Easy cattle rearing:
    The precision feeding process is automated, meaning thriving cattle are easier to rear in a faster timeframe, while you have more time to focus on other important tasks.

    Illness risk reduced: No overfeeding or under feeding thanks to light sensor technology for exact rationing means you calves are at reduced risk of illness and are generally healthier overall.

    Individual feeding: Each calf receives the ideal ration of feed for its growth, as the concentrated feed box is connected to the calf feeders and feeding is regulated for your animals individually.

    Identify issues quickly: Spot feeding irregularities early on to maximise protection from future illness in your calves and reduce potential for spreading illness in you herd.

    Smart management: Easily connect to GEA’s DairyManagementSystem 21 for all-encompassing, ultra-efficient dairy management.

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